Eagle’s anointing is a spiritual unction (also called grace or empowerment) that enables its carrier or bearer to function in the unique qualities of the eagle bird.
What then are the qualities of eagle?
1.      Speed: Eagles are said to be one of the fastest birds. We are anointed to achieve unimaginable feats within unimaginable period of time.
2.      Vision: An eagle is said to spot a rabbit as far as one mile away. We are anointed to see beyond our limitations.
3.      Fearlessness: An eagle is said to aggressively dominate other scavengers such foxes, vultures and coyotes when competing for food. Eagles like to face the sun and fly towards it. We are anointed to be bold, brave and confident and to see possibilities in all situations.
4.      Tenacity: Eagles are known to be resolute, firm, resistant, dogged, determined when hunting. We are anointed to be rugged because tough situations don’t last. Only tough people do. Eagles soar in the midst of strong wind.
5.      High-flying: An eagle is said to fly 10,000 to 15,000 feet above the level ground. No other birds can be found in such altitude. We are anointed to be unique, outstanding, last man standing, unbeatable and beat the top most in our assignment. We are exceeding rising stars.
6.      Fresh-insight: An eagle is said to hunt for fresh meat. We are anointed to seek new insights and fresh revelation. We are not to bask in past glories (Haggai 2:3-9)
7.      Strength: An eagle is said to be strong enough to carry a lamb or a size of a new born baby. We are anointed to do exploits beyond our human capacity.
8.      Model: An eagle is said to train her eaglet to maturity. We are anointed to be an example and epistle for others.
The icons of an eagle connote the following out of many:
1.      King of birds (To us; we are a royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9)
2.      Ruler of sky (To us; we are always on top of situations. 1 John 5:4)
3.      Conqueror of serpents (To us; we walk on Satan and his demons. Luke 10:19)
4.      The Skillful hunter (To us; we are diligent in our business. Proverbs 22:9)
5.      The insignia of great nations (international) and symbol of power, freedom, transcendence (inspiration), victory, release from bondage, longevity, speed, pride, fatherhood and royalty. (To us; we are gifted with numerous signs of greatness)
6.      Anchor -- which means the strongest and the most important of something, as eagle is the anchor of all birds (To us; we are front-liners)
7.      Sensitivity -- evils don’t catch eagles unaware (To us; we know what to do per time and season)
1.      Eagles flock together. (To us; oneness and togetherness. Psalm 133:1)
2.      Eagles stick to their partner for life. (To us; faithfulness is our watchword)
3.      Eagles soar in the midst of strong wind by positioning itself to the frequency of the breeze. (To us; rising above all odds without seeking men’s approval is key)
4.      Eagles retire to shed off wings in order to grow new wings. (To us; we must go for retreats and trainings on interval basis to renew our strength and knowledge)

Crave for eagle’s anointing today. That is all you need for a sweat less and struggle-free life.
© Eagle’s Anointing International (EAI) is a gospel film and drama ministry saddled with a divine task to reach out to billions of souls around the world with the message of gospel. (Luke 4:18-19).
For any enquiry, you can reach us through these means of contact:
E-mail: eaglesanointinginternational@gmail.com
Phone or Whatsapp: +234(0)7033636021
Facebook: Eagle’s Anointing International


  1. I am visiting this in the year 2021. This entire blog has brought forth so much clarity, comfort and peace about the anointing that God has imparted. Thank you so much and may the Lord bless you and Keep you <3

  2. Today I was speaking with a friend and she was saying that she is getting old. so I jokingly said to her, receive the Eagle’ s anointing. This was based on the Lord’s saying: “He will renew our youth as the eagle”. After the saying, I was prompted to google the term, eagle’s anointing and I found this blog.

  3. Thanks my sister. I am so tired from lack of sleep. I am accepting the blessings of the eagle's anointing. God had already blessed us with this anointing, we only have to receive it. Today I receive the eagles anointing in the name of Jesus. AMEN.

  4. I opened my friends silver and I started seeing bad dreams .... every morning I see Eagle so today I Said I must learn something about this bird thanks I have gained strength .


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