Who is a minister (Christian context)?
A minister is someone who is authorized by a religious organization to perform functions such as teaching of beliefs, leading services and providing spiritual guidance.
Who is a drama minister?
A drama minister is someone who uses unthreatening way of evangelism as a tool to administer the message of the gospel of Christ and not merely entertaining the congregation.
A drama minister is someone who plainly reveals Christ by acting scriptures.
Jesus demonstrated drama in the book of Acts 1:1b. He acted the word before teaching it.
This, points to the fact that every drama minister must have succeeded living the messages they preach (i.e. being an exemplary epistle in deeds that men read and not just in words). Definitely, there must be some visible traits in every minister and certain standards that ministers should at least attain in order to have impact in the lives of their audience. Below are some of qualities of a drama minister.

Qualities of A Drama Minister
1. He/She must know Jesus personally and fully:
As a drama minister, you are not different from a preacher. A brother once told me that one can never give what he/she doesn't have. Preaching Christ through drama may be ineffective or be of little effect in the lives of audience if the ministering minister is yet to take the first step of salvation, get rooted in the knowledge of Christ and attain a level of personal and deep relationship with the Lord. (Acts 19:13-16)

2. He/She must be book reader (knowledge seeker) and bible student:
A drama minister should never graduate from the school of bible-studying. Being sound in the knowledge of scripture will sharpen his ability of dividing and applying the Word of God rightly as regard every subject matter. He/She must be a word-eater that is, meditating on the scriptures day and night (Joshua 1:8, Deuteronomy 17:9, Psalms 1:2)
And he/she must also be a book reader (2 Timothy 2:15) e.g. If a story is to portray a doctor with patient in a hospital. The scene would only be convincing enough if the right costume, props and dialogue (terms) are used. And except one goes for further studying apart from Bible, one won't do better. Remember: what is worth doing at all is worth doing well!

3. He/She must be prayerful:
Prayer generates power for exploits (James 5:17). That is why a prayer less minister is a powerless minister. And a powerless minister is vulnerable to satanic attacks (Luke 10:19). Being prayerful is not optional, it is a must (Matthew 26:41, Ephesians 6:18a, 1Thessalonians 5:17)

4. He/She must be filled with the Holy Spirit:
We can't do without the Holy Spirit (Matthew 25:3). As a minister, it is important to know when to take some steps and how to go about taking them. This is one among many duties of Holy Spirit. For example, some prayers may be right but not right for a particular moment. It takes having the Holy Spirit to pray rightly and timely (Romans 8:26). It is the Spirit that bears witness with our spirit and gives us boldness and utterance to preach. It is the Spirit that leads one away from danger and raises standard against satanic attacks (Isaiah 59:19b). It is the same spirit that heals our weak bodies and helps us live a holy life. (Romans 8:11, Galatians 15:16a). The Holy Spirit is indispensable!

5. He/She must be holy and without grudge:
A drama minister who lives a sinful or hateful life cannot positively impact his/her audience but rather pollute or confuse them because he/she is corrupt. Such ministers are vessels unto dishonor whose works are compared to stubble and will be destroyed by fire. Any minister who lives sinful life indirectly partners with Satan is at the risk of being buffeted by Satan.
Living a holy life means accepting the cleansing power in Christ's finished work and doing what is right according to the scriptures. (Romans 12:1-2, 1John 3:9). A righteous minister will enjoy unlimited elevations and Holy Spirit would work generously through such.

6. He/She must be bold/courageous:
Being bold as a drama minister arouses an unshaken confidence and a relief in your audience. Only the bold ministers can be dynamic in their performances while on set or stage. A drama minister must be ready to take up any given role as led making most of the inexhaustible grace to do all things which have been given to him.

7. He/She must be time conscious and conservative:
Having being at many programs, I have seen several ministrations which concluding their messages could be rightly predicted and yet the drama dragged through 30 minutes to one and half hours. The scenes hardly interwove and at a moment it was boring. Here is my point; this is a waste and misuse of God's precious time as well as watering down the power of their message. EAI has performed many 10-minutes but powerful ministrations through the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is not how long but how well. You don't have to show or say everything before people get your message. In fact some dramas are left for the audience as puzzles. Be time conscious and conservative!

8. He/She must be smart always to take cover in the blood of Jesus:
Drama ministers are under serious and continuous attacks of demons because God is using them to expose the works of darkness and set many free from their bondages. By so doing, ministers depopulate the kingdom of darkness and devils would definitely not sit back to watch (Ephesians 6:12).
But glory to God who always causes us to triumph in Him (2 Corinthians 2:14). We have a shield, a cure, an antidote, an ever-winning weapon. This is the BLOOD of JESUS (Revelation 12:11).
Ministers are to dip themselves in the blood of Jesus before and after their ministrations.

May your service be acceptable as from today.
Remember, once it is accepted, the reward is sure and quick (Revelation 22:12). It is well with you. Stay blessed!

                                                                                                - KEMI OLADEJI


  1. This is an eye opener. Thank you very much, God bless you!

  2. Thanks so much, would love to talk more with u.

  3. Thank you so much, this met my thirst

  4. Thanks you very much this is very good

  5. Thanks for this motivation

  6. Thanks Soo much... This is really helpful

  7. Thank you so much. May God continue to enrich you in Jesus name. This is really helpful

  8. God rekindle your fire,, more grace

  9. I really appreciate you
    May God continue to with you in Jesus mighty name 🙏🏼

  10. Amazing!! This is I have been eager to hear.

  11. Thanks so much .

  12. Thank you for the guidelines

  13. God bless u ma thank for making your self available


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